A3META 2024


1. Registration fees: 





Invited Speakers, Speakers, and Audiences





This conference adopts a joint method of on-site and online registration. Participants are requested to register for this seminar on "http://a3meta2024.hitsz.edu.cn/" website. The registration fee includes tea breaks, lunches and Conference Banquet. The organizing committee of the conference provides transportation and accommodation recommendations, and the cost is self-borne. 

2. Payment method:

(1)Online payment: Online payment: Domestic participants should pay the registration fee by scanning the QR-code below using Alipay or WeChat (Please register online first, and then go through bank transferring or QR-code scanning for payment.  Please note "participant's name" for payment for further verification. Thank you).

(2)Overseas online payment:Overseas participants need to make payment through PayPal by scanning the QR-code in the image below (please register online first, then scan the QR-code for payment. Please indicate "participant's name" when making payment for  further verification. Thank you)

3. Invoice information: 

(1) Add invoicing information when you register for the forum. The items are listed below: 

Optional: Value added tax ordinary invoice/special invoice/not required

Required: Invoice header/full name of company

Required: Unified Social Credit Code

Required: Email for receiving electronic invoices

Optional: Remarks (For value-added tax special invoices, please fill in the company address, phone number, bank account information, and bank account information. Ordinary invoices may not be filled in)

(2) Invoice and account information:

This meeting will be entrusted Shenzhen Zhiku Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to collect conference fees and issue invoices. The payment account information is as follows:

Account: Shenzhen Zhiku Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd

Bank: China Construction Bank Shenzhen Jingtian Branch

Account number: 44201600600052509299